NORO-36 The Socialite: Three Parts To An Unending Anecdote by Alan S. Tofighi & Nouroboros. Live album consisting of music from different locations, time, and aesthetic.
The album is thematically based on a revolving never ending anecdote about a Three-Legged Cat known by Alan S. Tofighi, and obtrusive story telling.
The album is thematically based on a revolving never ending anecdote about a Three-Legged Cat known by Alan S. Tofighi, and obtrusive story telling.
Track 1 and 2 recorded live on August 1, 2014 at The DA Center for the Arts Pomona, CA. Track three was recorded Live on November 27, 2013 at COC Valencia CA.
Aluminum Neck Jaguar, Vocals, Yuri Landman Whopper, Contact Mics, and Strings on Track 3 are done y Alan S. Tofighi Electronics, Processing, Indeterminate Delay by Nouroboros. Album art by Alan S. Tofighi.
Can be heard or purchased Here.