FLED -01 Planted Evidence – Alan S. Tofighi & The Seeds of Distrust

It is with this new release  FLED -01 Planted Evidence – Alan S. Tofighi & The Seeds of Distrust Released between Earth day and the 23rd that the new Flat Ledge imprint is announced.

Planted evidence is a Live collaboration Between Alan S. Tofighi & The Seeds of Distrust at the closing reception of “Bottomless Vale of Tears Effects of Random and Regulated Noise on Plant Growth No. 1” Analysis and exploitation on Primary perception, mental states of improvisation, and documentation all examined in this album including remixes from the audience.

by connecting an early girl tomato plant to a Wheatstone bridge, Eletro-harmonix Mel9 Mellotron pedal, and outputting to a Dektor Counterintelligence Psychological Stress Evaluator Alan S. Tofighi evaluated and processed corresponding frequencies and waveforms from the PSE and matched it to create various beatings off the chart paper.

it has been too long since classic and self denounced “Dr. George Milstein’s – Music to grow plants”, this album comes a the perfect time of ethereal midi and tonally structured composition.
These plants were primed for months with the heaviest of New Music, Extreme Metal, Avant-Rock, and Noise, and free improvisation and are ready to share their new tastes. No Midi, just pure electrodes and electricity. Enter into the shadow of the Secret life of Plants

Can be heard and or purchases here

Alan S. Tofighi